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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. The terms OrderTaker or "we" or "us" or "our" or any grammatical variations of the preceding words refer to OrderTaker. The terms "you" or "your" refer to the client/customer or to users of any of the interfaces (including but not limited to apps, websites and emails) provided by us.

2. OrderTaker's Privacy Policy shall apply to the information obtained via our website(s), through emails, through information obtained through third parties and shall govern our behavior related to all services offered by us. But this document shall not curtail OrderTaker's right to publish privacy policies specifically corresponding to one or more services.

3. Queries regarding our Privacy Policy can be sent through any mode of communication specified by us in any of our interfaces.

Information Collection and Usage

1. Information provided by you. You shall be required to give certain information while accessing our mobile application, website or any other interfaces, communicating with us through other means, making use of our services. The information includes your username, email id, mobile number, address, city etc. for order delivery and updates.

2. Automatic Information Collection. OrderTaker or third party service providers might collect some information every time you make use of any of our mobile application. This information might be collected without your prior permission. We might collect certain information, commonly known as Traffic Data and Information of the visitors of our web pages which include inter alia the IP address, Operating System and browser type of your device being used for communication. On certain occasions we might use JavaScript or similar software to collect information about your usage of our websites such as the duration of the session, response times etc. when you access our web pages. This is by means of Google Analytics. In case of mobile app we use Firebase Analytics to enhance and improve our services with usage and crash monitoring.

3. Information collected in the above mentioned procedures shall strictly be used for providing our better services to you. We will try to abstain from collecting superfluous information.

4. Any personal data collected will be used by us or our clinets (store where you place your order) to contact you via phone, SMS or email for marketing and to deliver certain updates for services or information you have requested.

Sharing Customer Information

OrderTaker does not share customer information with anyone, but OrderTaker may share the information with the businesses/store which are clients of OrderTaker and which are visited by you as a customer either via Web or via App. The information captured is used entirely to provide you better services and to inform regarding new offers and updates. Advertisements may be driven by us and by third party as well. However, in case of third party, no customer information is shared while displaying ads.

Security of Information

OrderTaker makes use of sound practices to ensure that customer information is not misused or accessed without authority. Steps shall be undertaken by OrderTaker to ensure that customer information is not altered or destroyed to the detriment of its clients. OrderTaker shall not be held liable for loss of data or any unauthorized access to the client information stored by us. Once the app is uninstalled, all the data is cleaned up.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We might make suitable amendments to its Privacy Policy. It is expected that users of our web pages or our clients read our Privacy Policy regularly to make themselves aware of any amendments made to our Privacy Policy. OrderTaker shall not be liable for any delay in the publication of the amended Privacy Policy.